Commercial Cleaning | digital platforms | FreshOps
Why should your cleaners use a digital platform like FreshOps?

When it comes to running a business and how we all operate, it doesn’t come as a surprise how much we rely on the digital world and all of the different platforms we use.
While most of us are using the social platforms on a daily basis, how many of us out there are benefiting from other platforms for business?
When selecting a digital platform to assist in your daily operations, A couple of questions a business should first ask are how will this benefit my business and what is the purpose of having this information? As some of you may know, I can definitely relate to how hard it is to answer these questions.
Over the years, I have worked through endless amounts of research to find the right fit for us. We have done trials with a few other companies before coming to FreshOps and if you asked me if they worked and gave me what I needed; I would have said yes at the time. But of course, our business has evolved significantly over the years which changed our list of requirements. Now we have finally found one that ticks all the boxes which is FreshOps.
3 reasons why FreshOps is beneficial to our team and clients
1. Logging in and out onsite
Now this sounds like a simple task to explain to a cleaner and then you just hope for the best that it worked? But if you really think about it and put yourself in their shoes, it may not be easy as you initially thought. When a team member arrives on site to perform the clean for that day, they are prompted to log in by scanning a QR Code which is also capturing their GPS location in the background. When the cleaning is completed, they need to fill in a cleaning report where they can submit any comments that their supervisor may need to know and log out of the site. The shift is then checked and approved to ensure that they have spent the correct time onsite by the supervisor.
Of course, the most frequent question I get asked is - how do you know if they have tried to log out offsite or at home? If one of our team has done a “force checkout” or forgotten to log out, we can enable instant notifications and this can be followed up as a matter of urgency. Generally, if a cleaner has forgotten to log out, we don’t like to jump to conclusions about what has happened, but we are always asking questions on why this has happened and try our best to prevent it from happening again.
2. Completing Tasks
Guaranteeing anything is risky business. You don’t know if your team will do their job and you only have word-of-mouth assurances that everything has been completed up to standard. As we are moving forward with FreshOps, there is no more guess work involved when something has been done or wondering when it will be taken care of. We have the ability to schedule in tasks for the cleaners whether it needs to be done daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
When scheduling in a task, it can be as simple as just assigning it and then asking them to just tick and flick, but then how do we know it has been completed properly? This is why we take the extra step and make it mandatory for them to attach a photo to show that it has been completed. By asking our team to complete tasks and attach photos, it gives them certainty that they have done their job to the best of their ability and this can reassure clients that things have been actioned and attended to in a timely manner.
3. Client Portal
Whilst it might be worthwhile for us to implement logging in and out as well as completing tasks, however if this part of it isn’t implemented then we have no information to provide to our clients about the service we have carried out. As a cleaning provider, we like to ensure that everything we promise to our clients has been delivered and followed through. By having access to the client portal, you will be able to see when your site was last serviced, when the next service is due, when the cleaners arrived and left and most importantly what tasks have been completed.
There is also a simple message service that allows you to leave feedback, requests and comments regarding the cleaning that will be delivered straight to the assigned supervisor, giving our clients the peace of mind that we are here to help if they have any concerns about the service they are receiving.
If you are wondering why you aren’t getting the best possible service from your cleaning provider, it might be the time to ask if they have a digital platform implemented and are using it to keep them accountable and provide all of the information you require? From my experience, it is always best to make sure your cleaner is supported and have the training required to provide the best service possible.