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The Way We Earn And Keep Your Trust

I can understand that trusting a cleaning company can be very hard, especially as there are so many companies that just seem to not know how to clean or, simply put, know how to ensure the service delivery to a client is at the standard it should be.
I can assure you that there are companies that know how to clean and deliver the service you deserve and desire, all it takes is the determination to be – Accountable, Traceable and Transparent.
There’s simply nothing worse than a client going through the sales process than to be let down by the service delivered.
After all you have taken the time to contact the company, set aside your time to meet with them, show them what you need to be done, to in the end be let down with the outcome. To say efficiency and organisation should be expected would be an understatement.
We’ve found it to be most effective to be upfront and forthright at the outset of any relationship. For instance, it’s common practice for our team to ask prospects what is expected and then to clearly compose a scope of works that defines what is needed and how it will be delivered.
This not only ensures that the service expected will be delivered, it also gives both parties something that has been agreed to and is in writing. It also allows you to make sure any questions, needs or challenges you may see are addressed.
Furthermore, it also gives both parties the opportunity to have a written document to review along the way and if needed change to reflect what is needed at the site.
Simply put, putting things in writing is all good, however without a way of tracing that the service has been delivered then things will just be the same as your previous experience.
In today’s modern world is it very easy and simple to achieve this.
We use a digital platform to achieve complete and full traceability that the service has been delivered, when and how it should be.
The platform accounts for the time on site (cleaners log in and out using a QR Code), within the platform the scope of works is clearly defined as tasks for the cleaner to perform and we can even identify specific one-off or special tasks that will required to be identified that the task has been performed and yes, even photos can be taken.
Of course, if the cleaner is trained and given the resources to perform the work, it does and should give the assurance that the service has been delivered. However, we do not rest there. To ensure the service has been delivered, within a connected platform, there are regular audits performed.
It’s important for us to know that we have delivered the service to you at the agreed standard and frequency. Of course, it is also important to the cleaner to know that they can perform the tasks with clarity and also to get the feedback that the job has been completed to the satisfaction of all.
We’ve always found it to be beneficial to be accountable, traceable and completely transparent. After all a lot of our relationships span many years and a relationship built on these three things make for a better outcome.
In all of our dealings, we treasure being fully transparent with you. We recognise that we all learn how to do things better and being more accountable, traceable and transparent is something that we constantly strive for.
We give you full access to the digital platform used by the cleaners, we openly pass on all audits carried out to both you and the cleaners, and the latest change in our approach in 2021 is that in all new scope of works we will clearly pass on the estimated time to clean a site.
If a strong relationship is to be forged, it’s in your best interest, as well ours, to be built upon realistic expectations and trust.